Someone once said that if you want to know what
your future looks like, listen to the words that come out of your mouth.
This simple fact is not only valid but countless stories abound that testifies
to it.
Because the bible is filled with wisdom and stories
to glean from, I want us to turn to it regarding how powerful words are in life.
The Bible said that God created the world by
speaking it into existence in Genesis chapter one. God said and it became
reality in order words, God used the power of his words to create such a
beautiful world we all live in.
The Bible also recorded how a woman used her words
to give life to her dead son. The Shunamite lady (full account can be found in 2 Kings 4:8-37) when asked if “is all well with you? Is all well
with your husband? Is all well with the child?’” And she answered, “All is
well.” Although she knew her son had died, she refused to focus on how
grave the situation was. She did not only profess her faith in God but she also
knew how powerful her words were. It is worthy to note that she used it to her
advantage because at the end, her son lived again!
We could go on and on stating great examples of
people that have used their words to change their story either for the better
or worse. At the end, we all want to learn from them to make our lives better and
most importantly avoid their mistakes.
That’s why I
want to share with you, decisions you have to make daily and intentionally in
order to live the life God has predestined for you:
Ø Ask for grace to guard your lips and thoughts.
Ø Ask for grace to fully understand how powerful your
words really are.
Ø Make conscious effort to refrain from speaking
negative words not just to yourself but also to others.
Ø More than refraining from speaking negatively,
intentionally speak positively to all areas your life.
Ø Make daily declaration of faith and God’s promises
over your life.
Proverbs 6:2 “You have been snared by the
words of your mouth trapped by the words from your mouth”
1 Peter 3:10 “Whoever would love life and see good days must
keep their tongue from evil their lips from deceitful speech”
Want to know more? Watch the video below ↓↓↓
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