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How to Learn Finnish language FAST, EASY AND FUN WAY- Links, Phrases, Apps

Finnish language is an amazing one and an exciting journey one can ever embark on. As with an awesome journey, one needs adequate support and compass to help you navigate paths rightly. That’s why I have done some homework for you to give you an amazing experience and fun-filled one. Enjoy the resources below and If you find this blog helpful, leave a comment because as always, your comment is treasure to me!

Watch the video below to get tips on how to learn Finnish in an easy,fast and fun way.πŸ‘‡πŸΏπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸΏ

I want to learn finnish (Haluan oppia suomea)
Foreigners in Finland
Links from Google search from this links from google search contained a lot of useful links so I have added it here. You can use the link too to get more resources.

Supisuomea  This site is in Finnish but is good for its grammar and exercises.

Suomea ole hyv
  This site is also in Finnish and has good exercises.

rr suomea  Another site in Finnish. Some grammar and lots of texts and exercises.

The Finnish Language  A site in English about the Finnish language. Includes pronunciation and grammar guides.

Finnish Grammar Bits  Another site in English about Finnish grammar.

Tavataan taas!
Finnish for Foreigners  Also in English. Includes audio files. Very good website!

Finnish School  Vocabulary practice.

More vocabulary practice with these bilingual quizzes.


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