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Showing posts from February, 2018

10 Things That Change When You Become a Parent

It is already three months since the birth of my bundle of joy! I just cannot believe how fast the time has flown by. You can guess rightly that a lot has changed in our lives (my husband and me). We have finally come to the realization that becoming a parent changes everything. Below are some of the amazing things that change when you become a parent: Changes in Routine : Having a new member of the family automatically changes your routine. You’ll finally realize being a mom, you have to wake up and sleep when the baby dictates. Even when you plan your day, you will find out that those schedules will essentially revolve around the baby’s time. New Found Respect for Parents : You’d think it is all about having a new member of the family and life goes on as usual but it is far from the truth. As parents you tend to look at the big picture, accept new responsibilities and still keep everything else in control while mastering the act of caring for a little one perfectly. Bein...

The Dangers of Comparing Ourselves on Social Media

In this digital age, we are exposed to tremendous and overwhelming amount of information about the lives of others.  Knowing how someone is faring is usually a scroll away and most importantly affordably available to us. Since our lives are shaped by what we see and listen to, it is not uncommon to compare what we have access to on social media to our own lives. The big question lies on how we react and how our attitudes are shaped by it. In most cases, we tend to have two reactions to what we see out there. In the first instance, we may feel proud and conceited because we feel others do not measure up to what we have (in appearance, material possession, financial status and educational background). With this feeling, we are prone to exalt ourselves over others and crave for undue attention and respect. You can imagine where this leads to; you forget the Creator and the Giver of all you have and become selfish by giving honour to yourself. This can also lead to tr...