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My Pregnancy Journey In Finland

After a long day of unending backache, I decided to distract myself by going to the gym with my husband. While rocking from one side of the birth ball to another, a nice thought came to my mind, "write about your pregnancy". I had always wanted to document my pregnancy journey experience but due to lack of motivation or some reasons I do not understand, I had always thought perhaps it is not yet the right time.

Here I am, 38 weeks plus pregnant, yes fully pregnant and I am finally writing about my amazing journey of God's marvellous works of having another little and beautiful life grow within me. It is an opportunity I had always prayed for during my teenage age. I love family and having mine as some of my friends can tell has always been a cherished thought for me. After my wedding in December 2016, my husband and I thought it would be nice to have a cute little one so I was not taking contraceptive (neither have I been on any).

On the 11th of March 2017, I came back from church with a slight waist pain and an uneasy feeling as every woman would do, I went to the bathroom to check my undies and I was happily shocked that it was implantation bleeding but I was not quite sure so I had to buy a pregnancy test strip that confirmed my suspicion. It was so funny because this was just two months of being married and I had three more months to graduate, nevertheless, I was glad because I prayed to have a family and God indeed heard my little whisper.

One decision my husband and I made, was to prepare for our little one but keep the news to ourselves until the first trimester was over and yes, that was what we did. It was a good decision because I was able to concentrate on my studies and graduated at the specified time. I went for my first maternity check-up quite late (June) and since I reported late to the maternity clinic, I missed my first ultrasound scan. It was pretty easy to get used to the maternity routines, because the nurses in Finland were very good at providing all the necessary information you'll need at every stage of your pregnancy. I went for the second ultrasound and it was so emotional to see my little PRINCE moving and sucking his hand within me.

Almost immediately after my graduation, I started working so you can tell that I was very strong. I was not nauseous, not even for a day neither did I go around vomiting and salivating. Everything was perfect and up until the late stage of my second trimester, you can't really tell that I was pregnant. Late trimester brought a different pattern, my ever-flat belly was now protruding, I had increased in weight and the pregnancy hormones were very obvious in me. My face looked quite fat and I was really pregnant!!! Frequent visits to the restroom in the nights had become normal, backaches and heavy breaths after a long walk were no strangers to me. Finding the right sleep position, tying shoe laces and picking things from the floor were challenging tasks. The comforting thoughts to me is that a little one will be added to our family and the joy I feel having him kick and move within me cannot be expressed in words. I cannot wait to behold his face and have him in my arms.


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