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Showing posts from April, 2019

Foreigners Life in Helsinki FINLAND

Foreigners  Life in Helsinki FINLAND I noticed that I have been making videos about life in Finland and for some unknown reason to me, I have not been able to  post it here on my blog so today I want to show you with videos my life living in a foreign country in Finland My Life Living in a Foreign Country in Finland | Foreigners  Life in Helsinki FINLAND Foreigners  Life in Helsinki FINLAND Foreigners  Life in Helsinki FINLAND Foreigners  Life in Helsinki FINLAND My Life Living in a Foreign Country in Finland | Foreigners  Life in Helsinki FINLAND A DAY IN THE LIFE OF MOM AND SON


HOW TO APPLY TO STUDY IN FINLAND: STUDY NURSING IN FINLAND FOR FREE On the 20 th of August 2017(which fell on my birthday), I finally lived in the reality of studying nursing in Finland. Although I had studied nursing back in my home country Nigeria, I wanted to have a different feel of what studying nursing abroad especially in Finland where I’ve called my new home was about. With so much optimism wrapped with determination, I was ready to start a new chapter of my life. New Chapters come with uncertainties and unanswered questions yearning for some familiarities and relieving answers and I am pretty sure, YOU ARE HERE FOR THAT! Grab a chair and sit with me while I give you just that! I guess by now you must have written your entrance examination and waiting for the time to fly by quickly so you can receive an email informing you the course your destiny will follow. Whatever that may be, I will like to tell you some of the things you should expect from the nu...