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Showing posts from January, 2017


Hey lovelies!!! Welcome to a new year with Roselomon Blog. It is that time of the year when we reflect on the previous year and make new resolutions for the New Year. I am sure we all have our vision boards or to-do lists is filled with so many aspirations and wishes that we hope to come through.  You might have just stepped into an important phase in your life which could be your first job, student life or a life changing task and you are so excited about but a question keeps flooding your mind "will I remain motivated till the end?" It is often said that it is not the beginning of a task that is worth discussing about but the end. In our digitalized world, where distraction knows no boundary, sustaining a stable level of motivation in anything we do is very imperative. Here are 10 ways to stay motivated in anything you do. Commit your Plans to God: As mortal beings, we cannot achieve all we need on our own. The good news is that we do not have to f...